NCE 2.5.111 - Redflash

Created on 7/5/2021 1:25:34 PM by NST

Technical & Client Updates

  • Fixed a problem, which caused Client-crashes;

NCE 2.5.110 - Redflash

Created on 7/5/2021 10:48:37 AM by NST

Technical & Client Updates

  • Applied TempEffect fix;
  • Fixed incorrect research behaviour for L Parts from the 'Battle Church'; 

Gameworld & Content

  • Fixed incorrect Script codec (Tsunami Epic, Mission 3);
  • Fixed incorrect 'Missionflag' (Trader Daily, Mission 3);

NCE 2.5.109 - Redflash

Created on 5/29/2021 12:27:31 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • K14: Moved Epic NPC further into safety of building, reduced number of NPC spawns and moved some spawn points;
  • Graves: Increased the drop rate of items required for armour;
  • Added Clancheck function to all Faction-change scripts (GER/ENG/FRA);
  • Added "Big Metalplate" recycle recipe;
  • Added new recycle recipes:
    • TL 13 Special Alloy Knife [Baseweapon: TL 3]
    • TL 24 Crummy Baseball Bat [Baseweapon: TL 13]
    • TL 15 Beggar Electro Shocker [Baseweapon: TL 5]
    • TL 45 Laserblade [Baseweapon: TL 37]
    • TL 26 Archer 'Companion' Rifle [Baseweapon: TL 13]
    • TL 52 Enhanced Assault Rifle [Baseweapon: TL 44]
    • TL 32 Unlabeled 'Slowfire' Rifle [Baseweapon: TL 17]
    • TL 18 Pumpgun [Baseweapon: TL 9]
    • TL 12 Unlabeled 'Pinfire' Nailgun [Baseweapon: TL 4]
    • TL 18 A&W Colt 'Budget' [Baseweapon: TL 9]
    • TL 52 Automatic Pisol [Baseweapon: TL 41]
    • TL 30 HEW 'Lightwand' L77x3 [Baseweapon: TL 15]
    • TL 6 Street Model Grenade Launcher [Baseweapon: TL 3]
    • TL 34 Unlabeled Laser Cannon [Baseweapon: TL 19]
  • Added 'Alec Monroe' to the Gameworld - He's offering Faction-changes, without a check of your Symp;

Technical & Client Updates

  • Added Clancheck function;
  • Applied TempEffect fix in "dry run mode";


  • PPU:
    • Increased PPU selfcast bonus strength by ~30%;
    • Booster modules cast time reduced by 0.5 seconds;
    • Increased range of TSS by 35%;
    • Decreased duration of TSS from 120 seconds -> 20 seconds;
    • Reduced duration of Damageboost from 20 seconds -> 10 seconds
    • Rebalanced PPU module PSI costs;
      PSI Cost v1PSI Cost v2PSI Cost v3PSI Cost v4
      Anti-Stealth - - - 240 -> 96
      CAG ~10 -> 30 ~52 -> 90 ~134 -> 144 166 -> 180
      Cleanse ~80 -> 36 ~100 -> 48 ~83 -> 60 ~240 -> 72
      Dmg Boost 15 -> 30 30 -> 60 48 -> 96 -
      Distract 44 -> 42 82 -> 60 52 -> 78 -
      Heal 1 -> 6 9 -> 12 30 -> 48 30 -> 60
      Heal - Direct - - - 36 -> 42
      Para 40 -> 60 56 -> 96 72 -> 144 -
      Provoke 44 -> 48 82 -> 72 106 -> 96 -
      PSI Shield 58 -> 72 136 -> 144 240 -> 216 -
      Rez - - - -
      Shield ~7 -> 12 ~26 -> 30 ~36 -> 54 30 -> 72
  • PE:
    • Slightly reduced the effectiveness of PE armour to somewhat offset the self cast buff;
  • Weapons:
    • Reduced damage of Ionic Shotgun Pistols to levels before their last update (-20%);
    • Increased accuracy of Cursed Soul, First Love and Equilibrium of Force type weapons;
    • Increased projectile speed of plasma weapons;
    • Rocket pistol frequency increased and damage reduced to rebalance to similar DPM;
    • Rocket launcher frequency increased and damage reduced to rebalance to similar DPM;
    • Raygun cannon frequency increased and damage reduced to rebalance to similar DPM;

NCE 2.5.108 - Redflash

Created on 5/14/2021 12:18:18 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Added AB Harassers and AB Aggressors to existing AB Vandal spawn groups;
  • Fixed description of Air Guard;
  • Renamed 2nd seat of anti-ground gliders from Gunner to Bomber;
  • C06: Updated spawn groups;
  • C09: Fixed some clipping actors;



  • Ionic Shotgun Pistol: Stamina Use 30 -> 50;
  • Ionic Shotgun Pistol: Frequency slowed slightly;
  • Ionic Shotgun Pistol: Damage tweaked to compensate for frequency change;
  • Rapture: Damage +11%
  • Rapture: Increased AoE radius;
  • Rapture: Increased accuracy;
  • Claws: Damage +20%
  • Xbow Pistol: Damage +10%
  • SWAT Pistol: Damage -5%
  • Assault Rifles (Pain Easer): Damage +6%
  • Ronin: Damage +7%
  • Energy Halo: Damage -10%
  • Fire Beam: Damage +8%
  • Flame Avalanche: Damage +10%
  • Frozen Ball Blast: Damage +10%
  • Poison Barrel: Damage +7%


  • All Glider: Removed Anti-Vehicle & Anti-Air armour;
  • Pathfinder Glider: Reduced HP ~1%
  • Observer Glider: Reduced HP ~2%
  • Air Guard Glider: Reduced HP ~10%
  • Stinger Glider: Reduced HP ~2%
  • Buzzard Glider: Reduced HP ~25%
  • Condor Glider: Reduced HP ~35%
  • Buzzard Glider: Speed reduced ~25%
  • Condor Glider: Speed reduced ~25%
  • VHC Bomb: Damage reduced ~22%;
  • VHC Bomb: Frequency slowed from 3 -> 5 seconds;
  • Requirement changes on many gunner seats
    • 20mm 61, 79 to 60, 80
    • 30mm 75, 85 to 65, 80
    • 7.62mm 76, 81 to 85, 90
    • Bombs 86, 98 to 80, 100
    • Gatlin 82, 84 to 80, 100
    • Grenade 84 to 75
    • Laser 90 to 95
    • Raygun 96 to 95
    • Rocket 24, 68, 88, 92 to 60, 70, 85, 90

Technical & Client Updates

  • Reverted the last TempEffect fix;

NCE 2.5.106-107 - Redflash

Created on 5/10/2021 11:01:20 AM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Fixed short name for Nightspider drug;
  • B08: Moved UG slightly to reduce clipping, removed some bushes with hitboxes, fixed some floating actors;
  • C09: Moved boxes near shop to prevent players getting stuck, removed boxes in hackterm, fixed clipping actors;
  • D13: Removed / moved trees sticking out of mountains sides awkwardly;
  • G12: Made hackterm solid, removed/moved some trees and bushes, added a gap in wall from UG to shop;
  • I04: Hackterminal is now solid;


  • Dex Tank PAs - Reduced combat skill bonus by approx 35%;
  • Dex Tank PAs - Added ATH malus;
  • Dex Tank PAs - Reduced total resist given by approx 17%;
  • Ionic Shotgun Pistol - TL increased from 95 to 97;
  • Roughly doubled the speed of rockets;
  • Slowed "Pathfinder" glider speed by -27%;
  • Slowed "Observer" glider speed by -26%;
  • Slowed "Air Guard" & "Stinger" glider speed by -27%;
  • Slowed "Condor" & "Buzzard" glider speed by -35%;

Technical & Client Updates

  • Fixed "TempEffect" bug;
  • Added extra logging for shield issues;

NCE 2.5.101-105 - Redflash

Created on 4/25/2021 2:18:37 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Updated OZ 1 Storage to adhere to new levelling scheme;
  • C06: Fixed the red cubes & some clipping objects;
  • B07: Fixed some clipping objects;
  • J10: Removed the box from infront of the gogo & spread more scorpion spawns around the zone;
  • K10: Fixed some clipping objects;
  • K13: Fixed some clipping objects;
  • Grave: Added blockages to guide players around the dungeon;
  • Spider Cave: Updated mob spawn patterns, locations and behaviours;
  • Spider Cave: Closed more safe spots;
  • Spider Cave: Added an exit to the cave in the boss room;
  • Fixed German F8 text of the Tamara Job Centre mission to point to right location;
  • Fixed Pathfinders J05 script so that if the attack fails you don't need to get more intel;
  • Fixed Pathfinders C08 script NPCID bug;
  • Fixed Pathfinders C08 F8 text not showing location of miles;
  • Fixed SWAT Rifle ammo mods missing from A&W vendors;
  • Fixed a inconsistency in text.ini;
  • 'Battle Church': Removed a safepot;
  • 'El Farid': Lowered DMG Output from the new Scorpions and lowered their spawnchance;
  • Fixed incorrect selling price for the 'Stun Turret';
  • The Tsunami FSM got a delivery with new stuff, you can now buy several new pictures there;

Balancing - General

  • Added PSN immunity to Spider Cave mobs;
  • Mosquito Dmg reduced by 40%;
  • Mosquito anti-heal effect slowed from 4-> 8 seconds;
  • Mosquito total ammo reduced from 200 -> 40 shots;
  • Drone HP reduced by approx 25%;
  • Drone distance from body range reduced by approx 40%;
  • Fixed ranges that didn't fit the modules types progression (e.g. where blessed has better range then rare);
  • APU Lance range decreased by 19%;
  • APU Lance damage decreased by 18%;
  • Pistol range increased by 18%;
  • Increased the time for reticle to lock for rifles and heavy cannons slightly (to extenuate pistols advantage in aiming);
  • Improved the reticle lock speed but reduced the range of shotgun type weapons;
  • Improved the reticle lock speed of sniper rifles (SH variants and Ronin);

Balancing & Content Changes - Hacknet

  • Balanced Shield software;
  • Balanced Attack software;
  • Added a small XRAY DoT to Attack software;
  • Balanced Heal software;
  • Balanced Mob HP and Damage;
  • Attached several new AI scripts to different Hacknet Mobs;
  • Altered Skill influences: Resists (Resists are now more important);
  • Increased Stamina pool for HN Chars;
  • Added TL 10 Heal software to the Jones Hacker reward;
  • Reduced HP of the Phoenix CPU;
  • Moved the Phoenix CPU closer to the center of the map;
  • Replaced the "Entry/-Exitpoint" in the Phoenix room;
  • Increased DMG Output from the Phoenix CPU;
  • Increased the radius the Phoenix CPU can "see" and shoot you;
  • Increased the DMG Output from the Phoenix CPU (regarding its different stages of attacks);
  • Added 'Outpost Security' NPCs to every Hacknet OP sector;
  • Added 'Outpost Security' Turrets to the Phoenix DB;
  • Moved the entry point from every Hacknet OP sector to another location;
  • Enabled 'Auto Logout, when AFK' and 'Spawn at Resetpoint, when Login' to all Hacknet OP sectors;
  • Increased the efficiency of Phoenix Mods (you can have artifact Hacknet software now);
  • Fixed incorrect Node with the Phoenix DB: It's now talking about Codebreaker Mark 7, instead of Mark 6;
  • Moved some spawns in the Tech Haven Bridge sector and created new spawnpoints for the 'Ping of Death';
  • Deactivated "Helpcall" (Corrupt ICMP Ping Packet v4.3.3);

Technical & Client Updates

  • Removed extra logging from previous BWD analysis;

NCE 2.5.100 - Redflash

Created on 4/3/2021 4:36:53 PM

As a team, the NST have been busily working away in the background not only on more content, as well as some minor modifications to existing mobs, but also, a potential fix on the stability knocking Bad World Data. Once applied, please continue to report any BWDs via our Discord channels. 

Gameworld & Content

  • Lowered HP and DMG Output of the new Scorpions in El Farid (Level 2)
  • Lowered the Spawnchance of the new Scorpions in El Farid (Level 2)
  • Adjusted Spawns in the Spidercave
  • Kitty Galore is no longer stuck in the GoGuardian near by
  • Fixed broken WoC scripts (French client)
  • Crahn Epic - Fixed an incorrect node in mission 3: Mark Cole had sent people to the wrong sector to find Maxime (Viarosso Sec 3, instead of Sector 2)
  • Updated the spawn mechanics inside Grave dungeon
  • Fixed ammo packet sizes for Raygun and Plasma Rifles
  • C09 - Removed boxes near the Underground
  • F11 (Dev Fort) & F12 (Cycrow Lab) - Closed wall hitbox gaps
  • I06 - Spread more Dead Drops across the zone but mutant presence has also increased
  • K16 - Removed a lone DoY Guard
  • Dead Drop model size reduced


  • Changed Ion Blaster HEW drones from ENR + XRY -> ENR + FIR
  • Various weapon balance changes;
    • Buff - Anarchist
    • Buff - Energy Ball
    • Buff - Energy Ball
    • Buff - Energy Beam
    • Buff - Energy Bolt
    • Buff - Energy Halo
    • Buff - Energy Lance
    • Buff - Fire Ball
    • Buff - Fire Barrel
    • Buff - Fire Halo
    • Buff - Fire Lance
    • Buff - Freezer Pistol
    • Buff - Frozen Barrel
    • Buff - Frozen Bolt
    • Buff - Frozen Halo
    • Buff - Frozen Lance
    • Buff - Fusion Cannon
    • Buff - Gatling Cannon
    • Buff - Gatling Pistol
    • Buff - Gatling Rifle
    • Buff - Ionic Shotgun Cannon
    • Buff - Laser Cannon
    • Buff - Lighting Bolt
    • Buff - MIRL-600 Warhammer
    • Buff - Multi Energy Bolt
    • Buff - Multi Lightning Bolt
    • Buff - Plasma Cannon
    • Buff - Psi Attack
    • Buff - Raygun Cannon
    • Buff - Rocket Launcher
    • Buff - Rocket Launcher Pistol
    • Buff - Submachinegun (Libby, etc)
    • Buff - Toxic Ball
    • Buff - Toxic Barrel
    • Buff - Toxic Halo
    • Buff - Toxic Lance
    • Nerf - (WoC) Claw
    • Nerf - Baseball Bat
    • Nerf - Choas Queen Ava
    • Nerf - Electro Shocker
    • Nerf - Energy Ball Blast
    • Nerf - Fire Ball Blast
    • Nerf - Fire Beam
    • Nerf - Flamethrower
    • Nerf - Freezer Cannon
    • Nerf - Freezer Rifle
    • Nerf - Frozen Ball
    • Nerf - Frozen Ball Blast
    • Nerf - Frozen Beam
    • Nerf - Fusion Rifle
    • Nerf - Grenade Launcher
    • Nerf - Grenades (Frag)
    • Nerf - Grenades (Incendiary)
    • Nerf - Laser Rifle
    • Nerf - Plasma Wave Cannon
    • Nerf - Pump Action Shotgun
    • Nerf - Rapture
    • Nerf - Raygun Pistol
    • Nerf - Raygun Rifle
    • Nerf - SWAT Pistol
  • TLDR: Pistols & APU buffed, Rifle nerfed.

Technical & Client Updates

  • Workaround for BWD added
  • Potential BWD root issue fixed

NCE 2.5.99 - Redflash

Created on 3/22/2021 7:11:12 PM

Bit of a quick update this evening just to avoid some potential problems. A few backend tweaks, but we've still added plenty of noticeable stuff for you Runners! Details below!

As usual, any problems; Let us know via Discord or Twitter.

Gameworld & Content

  • Added improved LoM pills (65% less XP loss) - You can buy those in the Canyon, Plaza Sector 1 and Military Base
  • Added Rapture ammo and ammo mods to ammo vendors
  • Added new decals and decorations to Military Base Sector 1 and 2 and grounded floating actors
  • Altered the itemplan (the stuff you need to CST it) for Turrets
  • K15 - Moved 44th squad into a building and cleared more spawns around their new location
  • K15 - Moved some of the Nomad Traders to ensure they always spawn
  • K15 - Fixed floating/clipping actors
  • Reduced time taken for Mutant Deaddrop to refill in I06
  • Fixed the short names for Xbow ammo packets
  • Canyon Facility Cave (Easy) - Iguanas replaced with level appropriate Creepers and Gnawers
  • TG Easy Quick Kill Missions for Iguanas replaced with relevant Creeper and Gnawer
  • Canyon Facility Cave (Normal) - Scorpions replaced with level appropriate Spiders (the Tunnel (Normal) spawns remain as Scorpions)
  • Canyon Facility Cave (Hard) - Spawn chance increased for Giant Scorpions and lowered for Big Scorpions'


  • Added remastered Military Base Sectors
  • Added remastered Military Base Apartments
  • Added remastered Military Base Bunker


  • Fixed Medium Carbonsilk Underarmour
  • Fixed Blessed Spirit Boots
  • Nerfed Rapture to account for its "double" damage - a temporary fix whilst the issue is investigated
  • Re-added the Class=Tank requirement to "Tank" Power Armours
  • Decreased the requirement & TL for PE DEX based PAs V-1 from 75 -> 70
  • Drones dealing AoE have reduced HP by 20%
  • Drones dealing damage to single targets have reduced HP by 10%
  • Reduced recoil on Sniper Rifle and Marksman Rifle by 25%

Technical & Client Updates

  • Fixed potential issue with some loot tables
  • Fixed potential issue related to bad world data
  • Improved 'LoM' code - We're now able to scale the XP loss


NCE 2.5.97>98 - Redflash

Created on 3/14/2021 8:53:40 PM

Following on from our previous update, we were made aware of a technical issue with new installations of the game client from the launcher.

This update is a re-release of the 2.5.94>96, in order to resolve the issues that were raised. Nothing else has gone into this update that you don't already know, but below is a brief summary of what we have done regarding the client installations.

Technical & Client Updates

  • Fixed missing files such as "FreeImage.dll" and "lua.dll" with new installs
  • Due to an issue with new installations of Neocron, this patch is a re-issue of 2.5.94-96.
  • The model cache was reset with this patch.

NCE 2.5.94-96 - Redflash

Created on 3/12/2021 7:18:55 PM

More updates tonight! Just in time for a weekend of Neocron! Get patched up, and get playing!

Oh, and don't forget to give us some feedback on the new El Farid! If you haven't seen it on our PTS, you'll want to go and check it out!!

Don't forget to come and join us on Discord, or shout us @Twitter if there are any problems! See below for the Update Notes.

Gameworld & Content

  • Mine Traders are now selling REC Fluid, as intended
  • Grounded floating actors, and removed obstructions in I08
  • Re-added Swamp Warrior to spawn list
  • Re-added /112 Hoverbot to spawn list
  • Updated daily mission script to reflect soil samples drop from both Swamp Warrior and Big Swamp Warrior
  • Adjusted Soil Sample drop rate based on mob rank
  • Fixed an issue with the Area MC5 Hercules CPU Implant, which was only implantable to the 3rd brain slot (now working on every brain slot again)
  • Increased drop rate of Soulcluster essence
  • Normalized Outpost Trader prices
  • Outpost Traders now sell Hightech Rifle Ammunition
  • Fixed the German description for the Condor Glider, it now shows the correct ammunition you need


  • Rebuilt the El Farid dungeon from scratch and compiled a new .BSP
  • Added remastered desert buildings


  • Added a new door sound for the El Farid dungeon


  • Rebalanced Swamp Warrior to suitable Health and Damage for their new /80 rank
  • Fixed Piercing resist on Medium Carbonsilk Underwear
  • Fixed Xray resist on Medium Argentiferous Underwear
  • Corrected Force resist bonus on Yellow Dragon drugs
  • Corrected bonus values for Havenin-Forte and Havenin X-Forte

Technical & Client Updates

  • The current Bad World Data fix has been regressed to allow further investigations.
  • Further code instrumentation and logging on the server to help and track down the current stability issues.
  • Fixed an issue with researching A-Parts, you're now able to research those parts.