Neocron Community Q&A - Answers

Created on 10/12/2024 6:49:13 AM by NST

We recently asked you to send us your questions and you have delivered!

Thank you very much for the great participation, we were very happy about it!

And now the exciting part: the answers to your questions:

Q: Does NST often have contact with Reakktor or Nukklear on Neocron matters (IP, platforms, updates, etc)?

A: We're not having regular meetings or contacting each other very often. We do have each others contact informations, though, in case urgent matters come up.

Q: Is the team working on new things currently? Often seem like when the playerbase is awol, so are the NST volunteers! ;)

A: The short answer is: Yes, we're still working on the game.

The long answer:
Whilst Atlas is working on several Map Bugfixes and is creating new maps, Varuna is working on all Map-Textures to make Neocron a bit more shiny once again, he's working on several hundred textures.

Our Development Team is working on Tools, like the Gameworld Editor and the Mapping Tool, also on Bugfixes and QoL changes.
An ongoing project is also to implement the best NCC things into the NST version.

Those changes and updates consume a lot of time, therefore we can't release a Titan Update every 2 weeks.

We can assure you, that a new Update is coming soon'ish, several stuff is in the "internal testing" state at this moment.

Q: Any consideration on reworking how the game functions (player speed, weapons witch speed, weapon freq closer to NC1)?

A: Officially? No. Consideration? Yeah. With the merger of NCC and NST we could start putting our heads together on bringing the best of both versions into one, but right now we're just focusing on fixing bugs and stabilizing. Content guys are working on upgrading looks of the game, so right now functions are on the back burner right now.

Q: How it the server cost coverage going? Does the team often put from their own pockets?

A: Although the team is already donating their free time to work on the game, some
are also donating money, so we can keep the server alive.

Every donation goes directly into the infrastructure, no NST member gets a dime of it.

The current buffer is only one month.

Q: Any new NST members being onboarded? Any changes in volunteer jobs posting?

A: Technically we had a lot of us being onboarded at once.
Now we're just all settling into our (new) roles and helping each other out.
Some of our guys who came from NCC switched jobs on NST from Content to Source etc.

Beside from that, the last onboarded NST member was Covax, who joined us to help us in the Web Department.

Q: Is there any new content being released any time soon?

A: The short answer is: Yes!

The long answer is:
The NCC created some new dungeons for example, those are currently under review and will be adapted to fit the Evo-Style.
Once that stuff is figured out / finished, we will release it.

Beside new content, we also want to brinng some other stuff in, like the re-worked MB from the NCC guys, which is awesome!

Q: Will we get an updated hud? The current one is way toooooo small!

A: A replacement is on the list, but it's a huge project and will take quite some time.

Q: What about Player shops?

A: We're as torn as the community itself, when it comes to Player Shops.

On one hand it could improve the life of trader, on the other hand it could decrease player to player interaction.

Before we come to a conclusion here, we'd need to figure out the impact and work-load which would come with player shops.
At this very moment, it's not on the ToDo list, because there is more important stuff to accomplish first, with our limited manpower.

Q: Make vehicle great again!

A: Vehicles are in a decent spot, but do have some flaws (warping at high speed, crashes whilst flying, RG Rhino aiming). We have a small list of vehicle QoL fixes we would like to implement with some new vehicle variants at some point.

Q: Can we get the ability to remove a woc skill or have more than one?

A: WoC in general is under a review.
There are several opinions on WoC, like it should be only a cosmetic feature.

Since WoC I already has weapons, which are not cosmetic changes only, we're discussing the futher course of action here.

Removing a WoC skill is a thing we haven't considered, yet, but in general we don't see any issue here.

Q: What’s the plan for NC since the merger?

A: To evolve! Or as Lykos suggested shut it all down and open up a Taco stand in NYC.

We're currently working on implementing the best changes from the NCC to the NST version.
Since we worked with different methods and bases, it takes some time to accomplish that.

Q: Since the graphical update I have not been able to get the game to look or run as good as it did before the update. As a result I have basically stopped playing. Will you release the settings to have the classic experience back?

A: Ceyx: The configuration options to make the graphics look the same as before the last updates are available ( /config ) and will also be integrated into the HUD in the future. There are also some bug fixes in the pipeline that correct incorrect colors in many places.
The changes that have been made to the graphics engine so far have been such that any computer that is not older than 10 years should be able to run it without any problems. In the medium term, the requirements will increase slightly again when we switch to Vulkan (it is in the works, but will take a long time). After that, I plan to make every other graphical feature that requires performance either manually or automatically switchable off.
If you are currently having performance problems, please contact me (Ceyx) via Discord so that we can analyse the problem.

Q: Do you use Hammer mapping editor for game? How do you edit maps for game?

A: Kinda. Lykos got permission from an open source Dev to modify their map editor to work for Neocron maps.
The original editor was GEdit (Genesis Edit) and that is an awful map editor.
Then there was Fusion which was an update from GEdit and then rfEdit Pro and that was another update.. they all sucked for modern mapping.
NCC customized an editor that we call "Chisel", and then built a new map compiler that takes advantage of multicore compile.
Our pipeline is fully custom now.

If anyone wanted to contribute their mapping skills though, if you made a map in Hammer (For HL1 not Source) and sent over the map file and the WAD we could convert it to the NC Engine.

Q: Who on the NST dev can chug the most Powerbooze Gold?

A: Not a Dev, but there are rumors that BlackIvory can drink like nobody else. Her motto is "the ocean is not enough".

Q: Who has spent most credits at Club Veronique over the years?

A: We've done some research, those are the results:

Xanthos said: Lykos. He's lonely, so he probably spent most credits there.
Lykos said: Xanthos begs me to buy him dances all the time and wants to hide the charges from his of course I'm spending all the credits there.
Atlas said: I've checked the books and it does indeed look like Lykos has. Close second is this person named TidePod?

Q: What is your strategy for the game since both teams have joined forces ?

A: A lot of the work so far since the merger has been behind the scenes. Taking the best of the tools, infrastructure, processes, etc from each of the old teams and combining into a functional system made from the best parts of both teams. There's currently more in-game stuff in the pipeline that will be much more obvious to the players.

Beside that:
Fix everything we can, bring all our improvements and stability from NCC and help integrate it into NST. Make the game easier to work on for anyone who joins the team. Unclusterfuck infrastructure and make it even more stable.

Q: If the game is facing difficulties improving or hiring professionals who can tackle many issues or enhance the game why would you open donations for projects?

A: We're all working voluntary on the game, therefore we're not hiring professional chaps to do the work. We're happy to get applications, though, most stuff is easier, if you know the game already.
The donations are strictly used for the server infrastructure.

Q: Can we have more missions active?

A: That would be cool! But would require a rewrite of how the system works.
There is a lot to improve and work on still, but we need stability first.

Q: Can you implement real relation changes when a clan declares war to another?

A: Sounds like a really neat idea, but we would to have to figure out how to balance it first.

Q: Will you implement character goodies, like hats?
A: Why? Tired of being a bald female monk? Visible armor and clothes and stuff would be cool, but it'll take time. Nothing like that is off the table, we just have more pressing things to fix first like the HUD and stuff.

Q: Is more endgame and woc coming?

A: We're working on some more content, not only endgame, but in general.

Q: Will you give trader some love? Mass jobs for example.

A: Traders are on the list, among other QoL changes.
We have several ideas to spread some love to traders, sadly those need time as well, because a lot of changes would need some code changes first.

Q: Can you increase the number of possible cabinets per apt? Or ... even unlimited?

A: We're looking at a BLOB limit there... We'd need to investigate, but we could possibly increase the size after making some database changes.

Q: The mid-level is a bit hard to level. Are there possibilities to make pit(s) like Aggie areas for the following levels.
Aggie missions are great for levelling, but afterwards it becomes very hard to find equal places.

A: Virtus: So I've been big into New Player Experience and creating a variety of informative options for people to level 0 to cap and hopefuly better engage with the game (I grew bored of tech farming / AoE dungeon slog years ago!). 2.5 brought huge changes to world progression and I outline the ""recommended"" path in the THN New Player Guide. I have recently done an investigation into that leveling and how long it takes on everyclass and various weapon types (detailing the timeframes for each levelling bracket).

The recommended path surrounding this question is Pepper Park (Aggies / Spider Sewers) -> Outzone (Storage Halls / any of the OZ ""city dungeons"") -> Wastelands (Pathfinder). Whilst the XP per min is better in Outzone then Aggies, I did also find it starts to feel like it slows. On my last playthroughI tried Outzone 7 and it's wave mechanic. It was a good next step and offered something different to the usual launchers, but noticed that the Enforcers don't match the terminal missions and the mob balance also isn't inspiring. I plan to fix both these elements.

This range is certainly somewhere I feel could benefit with something new though.

Q: Is it possible to implement new weapons, like maces for melee?

A: Varuna: It is possible and also fairly simple as long as they use the default melee animations, anything beyond that like two-hand weapons etc. is more difficult, but probably not impossible either.

Q: Can you add "Venture Warp" to navray > "utilities"?

A: After some code changes we can do that, yes.
We already started updating the NavRay with one of the latest Updates, it's on the list to add some more fun there, like adding routes for the Venture Warp.

Q: "Clans for LE chars? Or even mixed up clans?"

A: Currently we have no plans to change how the LE (in relation to Clans) works.
It would need a lot of code changes, so that LE Clans can't capture/hold an OP for example.
The time it would need, is better invested in code enhancements at this point.

Q: Spider cave diffculty will be reduced ? I know NC is MMORPG but with these population is really hard and mostly impossible 😅 to have woc 3 pa

A: Virtus: I don't personally think that the difficulty needs to be reduced, however people do tend to just cheese the boss so it's difficult to gather true data of the boss fight.
There is a very specific section where I'd consider taking away 1 nest / couple of glass cannon spiders but in general it's serving a niche that otherwise lacking. I have seen complaints about the glass cannon spider's speed, which I wouldn't object to a slight reduction.
The dungeon is managable with 3+ players and I've spoken to other larger groups who have enjoyed the challenge of figuring out the mechanics and the excitment of finally getting through it.

Q: Spider Cave: should the drop rate for the different keys (2-B, 3-D, 4-B) be the same? I.e. what "should" the drop rate be in generall (overall)? On many occasions there are only rareparts and/or a trophys dropping.

A: Sadly, the loot in Neocron does not work like you know it from modern/new games.
We have to create a new logic here (code-wise) to have more control of the loot.

Until then, we can't control it, like you'd like to have it.
We're trying to work out a solution, though, we have thoughts about spreading the loot (key) even more or create an NPC to exchange keys.

We're also considering to spread the loot a bit more to other dungeons.

Q: Will old bugs (20 years+) be solved at some stage? i.e. midnight bug (combined with weapon reload bug), or certain client crashes in general (client simply closes without error message)?

A: A lot of old bugs are already resolved (You should notice way less "Fatal Errors" for example).
As soon as we find the source for those old bugs, we're going to fix it, unfortunately some of the sources are hiding very well in the depths of the Code, sound and safe between a couple thousand lines of Code.

Q: Will it ever be possible to read your resist values ​​in-game? I.e. without having to laboriously switch on the log-enable mode and actually get shot to get these values.

A: It's on the list to implement that.
That's one NCC thing we want to port over.

Q: Are there any plans for content/items regarding WOC4 and 5 ?

A: There is nothing for WoC 2 and 3 - Therefore we have no plans to implement WoC 4 or 5 items/content.
We're currently discussing how we should proceed with WoC and its Content, so we can evolve here - Once we've found a common base, we'll involve the Community and share our thoughts on WoC to get some feedback.

Q: Addendum: regarding netcode(?) will that ever be fixed/improved? In PvP I mainly have the feeling I'm following ""a shadow"" of my opponent.

A: The next Titan Update will contain a fix for "flying" runner for example;
We're constantly looking into Fixes and Enhancements to the Netcode and other things around the Gameworld, but it's also a lot of Code to review and re-write.

Q: Any chance of rebalancing the mobs so everything will be soloable (still hard though)? since there arent enough runners on to form teams at most times

A: Everything in the Wastelands should be soloable by any suitably leveled class.

Most dungeons should be doable with 2 people, the only exceptions being Spider Cave, Mech Haven, and Crahn Church which need more people / more coordination. I've recently started to rebalance the dungeons and started with Crahn Church and Mech Haven.
Crahn Church's initial response has been positive, Mech Haven's rebalance didn't go far enough and there are further changes ready for the next update.

Although the population is currently not that high, we think we should stick to the basic concept ideas.
That also includes group content, which isn't supposed to be soloble.

An old member was once: This isn't Hello Kitty Online! ;)

Q: Will there be a new seasonal server with double xp anytime soon?

A: Currently we're focussing on new Features, Bugfixes and new Content, therefore there is no new season planned at this point.
Once everything is sorted and released, we can have a look again, it's worth another shot to have a season - The last was (sadly) barely used.

We also had a Discord poll recently about a second (not season) server, the results were:
22 were against a second server (79%)
6 were for a second server (21%)

Q: would it be possible to speed up research and construction so missions will be quicker at tl 130+?

A: With some major code changes it probably would be possible and it would be a really great addition for trader.
Since we're a pretty small team, with limited resources, it's not on top of the list at the moment, though.

Q: Are you at some point putting NC on steam or is that against the wishes of the IP holder(s)

A: Currently, we don't have the wish to go on steam for several reasons.
We strongly believe that Steam isn't the golden rescue some guys think - There are literally hundreds of new games every week on steam and they're just there, but with no real effect.

Once everything is settled, ported over and stuff, we may re-consider it.

Q: how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A: 42.

Q: How likely is it for us to receive a mid-long term roadmap of future updates for the game? I think it would be valuable to a) build some hype with the community, if we know that in 6 or 9 months X is going to drop it lets us build up to something, let former/lapsed players know something is coming etc. and b) holds the (I know, volunteer) dev team to some accountability

A: Here and there we're already giving out a "small roadmap".

A complete roadmap sounds tempting, but could also lead to disappointment, that's one reason why we don't do this.

This Q&A is another way of that, btw.

If real life changes (getting a kid, getting a new role at work or whatever), it changes the focus and free time for developing Neocron.
Of course we could say ""In x months this and this"" will come, but when RL then hits, and we can't hold our ""promise"", you'd be disappointed, don't you?

We're mostly telling about new stuff, when the development is nearly done or in internal testing - Some stuff also turns out can't be released due to technical limitations or because it could influence the game in a more negative way as expected (like destroying the economy, creating a superb class etc.).

Q: An ingame item shop to help with some of the server costs, could sell a limited quanity of items for new players to help get them to endgame abit, mc5,woc disc,abit of money ect, nothing too game breaking.

A: We're not planning to implement any kind of item/ingame shop.

Q: If you could get full custody of NC would you port it to a newer engine to help with finding developers if it was possible? Do you have plans to port the game to UE5?

A: The wish is around, for sure, but we're a bit more realistic: We do not have the money and/or the manpower to accomplish that in our life-time.

Q: Can you change the shield system back to S/D? This would make PVP more attractive.

A: It's under consideration.
There are several things to consider, like what to do with PAD, most would be useless then.

We're having several other ideas as well for that, but nothing is carved in stone, yet.

Q: Is it because of the money to completely rebuild the game with a different name or because of the trademark rights? Have you ever been asked about the trademark rights?

A: We haven't. And we don't wannt to build a game with another name.

We love Neocron, that's why we do this, not for fame or money (we're spending, not earning anyway).

Q: Make a server rollback like when switching from NC1 to NC2 that everyone can only keep one char quickslot.

A: That's more a demand than a question.

There is no wipe planned at this very moment.

Q: Will you ever bring back Kamakazi chips?

A: We could bring those back, but not with the stats you may remember.

KK had a reason why they removed those Chips, they were just too strong.

Q: I see alot of changes have been made in pve for group leveling but the low population makes it hard to find teams for mc5, woc disc, high level farming etc. Will you ever create a way for players to get these items playing solo?

A: Although the population is currently not that high, we don't plan to change group content to be solo content.

We rather work on the game, so the population goes up again.

Q: Will PEs ever be balanced to use blessed psi and a decent weapon again?

A: Virtus: PE's access to blessed PSI is the next class balance item on my list and I will be making it require less sacrifice. This will mean they have some more flexibility to add more DEX / damage / resist / whatever else in that saved implant slot or two.

Weapon wise, I'd suggest either the highest TL for PvE or the following for PvP (Ionic rifle, RoG, SWAT pistol, Anarcist, Slasher).

Q: Any plans for improving gliders? They move on themselves when on the ground and there is high chance to crash when zoning.

A: We have investigated the crashing on zone and identified a potential cause. A fix is in the works and once tested we'll continue to monitor for further issues.

Q: Since Hacknet is not used anymore in OP fighting, is it gonna be repurposed?

A: The decision to deactivate the Hacknet part for Outpost wars was a vote by the community.

Due to the lack of Content guys there is currently no further plan for the Hacknet, but we still hope, we will get another purpose for it in the future.

Q: Any way to make mobs AI a bit smarter? Like changing weapons, healing themselves, using buffs.

A: The AI is currently a limitation of a few systems. While some improvements have already been made, we are limited by things like pathing, and decision speed. For pathing to be solved, we will need to find a way to bake a navmesh into the maps, and then implement a pathing algorithm for the AI that would use those navmesh. The AI currently is fairly dumb and essentially just walks towards you, with limited scripting on what they can actually do. Improving how quickly AI makes decisions will also improve how responsive the AI feels, and then adding more things the NPCs can actually do will help as well.

Although, we already have some smart AI: Visit the Spidercave!
The Boss is healed by the Bats, some Mobs will hunt down the PPU first for example.

Making all mobs "smart" would be a huge project - We plan to implement those sophisticated scripts step by step, but it will take a lot of time.

Maybe watch your back, when you're in the wastelands next time, maybe you'll see a mob which will hunt you down, while giving himself shields and heal..

Q: Any plans for making furniture placing a bit less clunky, like more controls for rotating

A: Yes, but it has a very low priority, because it's working - Yes, a bit clunky, but it's working.

Q: Global OP ownership bonuses/rewards, are they in the development? Or more rewards for pvp in general, something like Neofrag/Battledome ladder leagues

A: Virtus: More bonuses to OP ownership would be interesting and I'd be onboard for- but need careful consideration to not be too OP.
Perhaps require ""investing"" credits into the OP once captured to gain benefits.

Q: After seeing the decline of population this year, do you have any specific plans to boost the population again?
A: Even though everyone always says that only the inner values are ​​counting, we all know the truth: improving the graphics counts.

Because of that we're working on different things to impove Neocron once again, that includes new world-textures and new Content as well.

Q: Have you considered any marketing? If so, would you consider a community fund raiser for assist?

A: Yes, we did.
We also decided to work on some key stuff first, before we're going to shout out to the world.

Although, we're always happy to accept donations, we prefer to use those for the server itself.

Q: This started as a job, then has become a passion project. Do you feel the same way you do about the game now or has it evolved into something new?

A: For most of us, this started as a passion project. The team is not heavily populated with ex-KK employees.

Q: The idea of this game is unique, I see so much of the "modern core" games, that seem to have common ancestors with Neocron. Why don't we see more games like this in your oppinion, and If a large developer/publisher approached you about wanting the IP and gave you a team and resources what would you do with the game?

A: We're sure that opinions on the state of the gaming industry are vast, with many different stances. We think that a lot of it has to do with who has control. A lot of game development studios have both expectations and limitations put on them by publishers who want to make back their investment. Which inevitably results in games being made for the widest audience possible.

As for a company wanting to buy the IP, that's out of our hands as we do not own it.

Q: I love this game, I beta tested it years ago and i come back to often, sometimes its a long break in between. Keep it up!

A: Thank you!
We will give our best!

Q: Do you have any plans to have the other Neocon run private servers shut down?

A: We're not the IP Owner, therefore it's not our jurisdiction.

Q: Is the Neorcron 2 Unreal engine community build project a threat to the current server?

A: No.

Q: If I made a 1 Million dollar donation, how can I be sure it will go toward the current servers best interest and development?

A: We're doing this for over a decade now, always in the best interest of Neocron.

Obviously, you could argue that, when it comes to personal taste, then you might don't like different changes.

Neocron Community Q&A

Created on 9/28/2024 7:17:56 PM by NST

What would you like to know? Ask your question and the NST Development Team will try to answer it as best as possible!

Submit your questions here by 05.10.2024 08:00 am.

Weekend fun - Weekend full of goodies

Created on 3/8/2024 9:03:40 AM by NST

Join us in a weekend packed with different modifiers.

We start the weekend on Friday with the following modifiers active in the game:

  •  Higher chance of slots when constructing
  •  Double Sympathy from missions
  •  Up to 8 times faster SI fade

On Saturday we kick off with the following:

  • Double XP for all your kills
  • Double XP for all tradeskill actions

Concluding the weekend on Sunday with:

  •  Drug-fest galore, all drugs will give you twice as much fun.
  •  Extra safe slot in your quickbelt for the day
  •  Double XP again (Both Kills and Tradeskills)

Community PvE Event - Baneful Spider Cave

Created on 2/22/2024 12:46:21 PM by NST

Join us tonight for another of our "harder" community dungeon runs. We will run the Baneful Spider Cave at 8pm GMT.

As this marks a step up in difficultly I would like to share some considerations:

  • No noob characters, this is intended end game content so attending characters should reflect that
  • No afk leechers taking up team slots
  • We need PPUs, at least 1 per team
  • Please wear appropriate armour for the dungeon
    • Damage Types for this dungeon are: Poison, Piercing, Force
  • Do not pull additional enemies
    • We'll move through clearing each corridor at a time
    • Bear in mind there are respawns so keep together and watch your back
  • Target priorities are:
    • Small melee spiders > Spider Nests > anything else

As usual we will be running this as close to a normal player scenario as possible, meaning no GM assistance (no GM buffs, no GM rez, etc). When / if the team wipes, we will clear the area, GM rez and reset.

Hopefully we will manage to get some successful runs.

Community PvE Event - Abandoned Crahn HQ

Created on 2/15/2024 12:16:53 PM by NST

Join us tonight for another of our "harder" community dungeon runs. We will run the Abandoned Crahn HQ at 8pm GMT.

As this marks a step up in difficultly I would like to share some considerations:

  • No noob characters, this is intended end game content so attending characters should reflect that
  • No afk leechers taking up team slots
  • We need PPUs, at least 1 per team
  • Please wear appropriate armour for the dungeon
    • Damage Types for this dungeon are: Energy, Fire, Poison, Force
  • The bulk of enemies are in a large room, we will need AoE to clear them effectively
  • Target priorities are:
    • Renegade Elder > Renegade Monk > Renegade Priest > anything else
  • The entrance offers some cover, but with the expected numbers it will be full
  • Zoning out puts you a DoY sector away and you need to run back (markers will be placed to lead you back)

As usual we will be running this as close to a normal player scenario as possible, meaning no GM assistance (no GM buffs, no GM rez, etc). When / if the team wipes, we will clear the area, GM rez and reset.

Hopefully we will manage to get some successful runs.

Community PvE Event - Mech Haven

Created on 2/8/2024 4:24:05 PM by NST

Join us tonight for another community dungeon run, and the start of the "harder" dungeons. We will run Mech Haven at 8pm GMT.

As this marks a step up in difficultly I would like to share some considerations:

  • No noob characters, this is intended end game content so attending characters should reflect that
  • We need PPUs, at least 1 PPU per team
  • Please wear appropriate armour for the dungeon
    • Damage Types for this dungeon are: Energy, Fire, Xray
  • Do not pull additional enemies
    • We'll move through clearing each corridor & side room at a time
    • Bear in mind there are respawns so keep together and watch your back
  • Target priorities are:
    • Mech Turtles & Cyber Dogs have an AoE attack that could wipe us if not careful (especially the /72 MALFUNCTIONING BIG MECHTURTLE)
    • The rest are single target and as you'd expect.

As usual we will be running this as close to a normal player scenario as possible, meaning no GM assistance (no GM buffs, no GM rez, etc). When / if the team wipes, we will clear the area, GM rez and reset.

Hopefully we will manage to get some successful runs.

Community PvE Event - Dungeon Update

Created on 1/24/2024 1:55:32 PM by NST

This week marks the 10th week of our dungeon runs, and it's your last chance to cast your vote! We'll run the winning dungeon this Thursday (tomorrow) as usual and take a break next week.

When we resume the dungeon events on Thursday, February 8th, we'll be tackling harder dungeons where wipes are likely. Each week, I'll provide hints on how to best survive - covering topics such as afflicted damage types and target priorities. However, teamwork is paramount, and we won't survive without an adequate number of PPUs and some dungeon sense that we'll have to pick up on the way!

The planned running order is as follows:

  • Mech Haven
  • Abandoned Brotherhood of Crahn HQ
  • Baneful Spider Cave

These dungeons will once again be run without GM assistance (no buffs, no rez, etc.). When the team wipes, we'll clear the area, GM rez, and reset - hopefully achieving some successful runs of each!

After completing these we plan on running quests as a community, running the rebalanced dungeons and more!

Community PvP Event

Created on 1/13/2024 11:05:40 AM by NST

Join us for another of our regular Casual PvP Events on Sunday, 14th January at 20:00 GMT.

The event will take place in the new zone with several arenas that can simulate different fight scenarios, and a portal will be provided from Plaza 1 to the event area.

This time, I'd like to have fights where everyone has PPU buffs.

Come and have some exciting fights without any pressure, in a laid-back atmosphere. You've got nothing to lose (no sympathy loss/no SL loss/no belt drop & instant rez). Whether you're just starting out in PvP, a seasoned vet fine-tuning your skills, or just wanting to test your new build, you're welcome!

With the growing momentum of players and clans interested in PvP, it's the perfect time and place to practice and meet like minded players. Plus, with an upcoming PvP tournament on the horizon, it's a great opportunity to experiment with different builds!

Team Merge Announcement!

Created on 12/14/2023 6:17:25 PM by NST

Dear Neocron Community,

We're thrilled to share some groundbreaking news that marks a new chapter in Neocron. The Neocron Support Team and Neocron Classic Team are officially joining forces! This merger is a testament to our dedication to providing you with an unparalleled gaming experience and pushing Neocron to new heights.

What does this mean for you, our valued runners? Allow us to shine a spotlight on the incredible developments ahead:

  1. Bug Squashing Superpowers: With the fusion of these two powerhouse teams, our ability to patch bugs and address issues is set to soar. Your gameplay experience is at the forefront of our mission, and this merger will streamline our efforts to ensure a smoother, more polished Neocron.
  1. Coding Expertise Amplified: The Neocron Classic Team brings a wealth of coding experience and cutting-edge tools to the table. This infusion of expertise will act as a catalyst for growth, enabling us to innovate, expand, and create new content within the Neocron universe.
  1. Community-Centric Approach: Rest assured, our commitment to fostering a vibrant and engaging community remains unwavering. Your feedback has always been invaluable, and this union will empower us to listen and respond more effectively, fostering a closer bond between the development team and the incredible Neocron community.

We're immensely excited about this merger and the limitless possibilities it brings. Together, we'll forge a future for Neocron that exceeds expectations and delivers the gaming experience you deserve.

Stay tuned for upcoming updates and announcements as we embark on this thrilling journey together. Thank you for being an integral part of the Neocron world!

Best Regards,

The New and ImprovedNeocron Support Team


Weekly Community Dungeon Adventures

Created on 11/4/2023 5:30:52 PM by NST

Join Kyrus and Virtus for new weekly Dungeon Adventures, a fantastic opportunity to explore all dungeons while building a stronger sense of community.

Every week, we'll embark on a new dungeon expedition, starting with the easier ones and gradually tackling the most challenging content. These adventures will closely mimic standard runs, avoiding the use of GM buffs, resurrections, or spawns. This approach will yield useful data for improving dungeon balance.

Each weekend, we'll post a poll with available days and a selection of dungeons. The most popular choices from each poll will dictate our schedule and the dungeons we conquer. Our ultimate goal is to conquer every dungeon out there!

Stay tuned into our Discord for our upcoming polls and join us on these exciting dungeon expeditions!