-Special Offer-
We have been getting reports that Trade Skilling Runners are reportedly earning TWICE the amount of XP!
[ENDING tomorrow morning]
Today only!
NCPD confirmed double XP!
[ENDING tomorrow morning]
The Neocron Police Department reported that hacking Quickbelts is easier... The NCPD estimated it's 10% easier.
To secure your 'treasures', the NCPD took care, that your SI is gone 9 times quicker!
[ENDING tomorrow morning]
### | SPECIAL OFFER | ###
According to runner reports, missions currently give twice the amount of sympathy! [ENDING tomorrow morning]
### SPECIAL OFFER -- Today only, ends tomorrow morning! ###
Runner reported they get double XP today!
Until tomorrow morning your Synaptic Impairment (SI) will be gone 9 times quicker!
Why not go and take that Venture Warp holiday you've always dreamed of! Why not go explore and travel more? Now's your chance with SI gone 9 times faster! Don't be stuck overlaiden straight after GR'ing, get on your way quicker!
Now live on Titan until tomorrow morning!
"Sex, drugs and rock & roll. Freedom begins when you can do what you want!"
BREAKING NEWS! Today is a good day to die! [ENDING: Tomorrow morning]
Today is a good day to die!
Runner reported the hack difficulty for belts are drastically increased!
Happy Easter Neocron City!
As I'm sure most of you are acustom to, it is the usual Easter Egg Hunt around Neocron and the Wastelands! Happy hunting and looting your items! They will be replenished throughout the weekend, but do remember, there are a total of 30 egg locations to find!
We've bolstered the Easter weekend a bit this year though with a new update that went live earlier this evening, more details are available here.
And, as a present to you all, from the NST, double XP until Monday 5th April @ 1800 UTC+1!
Please continue to report any problems or issues via Twitter or our Discord services.
BREAKING NEWS! Trade Skills Reportedly Earning Double XP! [UPDATED - ENDING 1800 UTC 27/MARCH]
We have been getting reports from the Plaza 1 Trade Center that Trade Skilling Runners are reportedly earning TWICE the amount of XP!
We've sent reporters down to the new Plaza 1 Trade Center to get more information!
UPDATE: We understand from our reporters on the ground that Runners in trade skill professions are indeed earnt double XP! The NCPD has been approached for comment.
UPDATE FROM NCPD: They're investigating this recent double XP and have claimed that it will be back to normal as of 1800 UTC Saturday 27th March 2021 (Time conversions applied for ease of accessibility)
Well, there you have it Runners! Get your trade skill XP doubled for just over the next 24 hours!
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take
Today only from 1700 UTC through until 2100 UTC, your Synaptic Impairment (SI) will be gone 9 times quicker!
Why not go and take that Venture Warp holiday you've always dreamed of! Why not go explore and travel more? Now's your chance with SI gone 9 times faster! Don't be stuck overlaiden straight after GR'ing, get on your way quicker!
Now live on Titan until 2100 UTC tonight!
"Sex, drugs and rock & roll. Freedom begins when you can do what you want!"